March 22   Margery Winters Saving Our Wild Areas, One Yard at a Time.  By reconsidering how and why we garden as we do, we can help promote wildlife diversity in our own back yards and in our wild areas beyond.
April 12     Trish Manfredi – Members Spring Floral Workshop.
April 26     Dr. Richard Benfield - Great Botanic Gardens of the World.  Dr. Benfield is Professor of Geography at Central Connecticut State University. 
May 6        Plant Sale at the Enfield Senior Center.
May 24      Andy Brand – Broken Arrow Nurseries, Hamden,  Fragrant Plants for Your Garden, Andy Brand is nursery manager of Broken Arrow in Hamden CT, a destination nursery with an extensive retail operation plus a giant mail-order catalog of unusual things.
June 28     Sally Brocket – Hummingbirds: Jeweled Acrobats in the Garden.  Sally is a local gardener, birder, and member of the Daytime Gardeners of North Haven, will present tips on attracting hummingbirds to your yard and will share her experiences with hummingbirds and backyard birding. Enjoy Sally’s photos of a variety of hummingbirds, some seen in the US and others from Central America.
July 26      Karla Dalley – Container gardening with flowers, foliage, vegetables and herbs. Karly Dalley is a freelance garden writer, speaker and local media consultant.  Gardeners have been growing plants in containers for centuries; but how do bonsai and the limonaria of the Renaissance translate to today's home gardeners? Our focus will be Creative Container Design. Today's containers are nothing like the geranium, vinca and dracaea spike combination that started the container craze. House plants, vegetables and herbs even perennials make great container materials. Come see finished containers and bring your questions.
Aug 23      Film - Documentary:  Beatrix Farrand, An American landscape designer of public and private gardens including the White House, Yale University and Harkness Memorial Park.
Sept 27     Robert E. Marra, Ph.D.  Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station – Important Plant Diseases of North America.
Oct 25       Paul Colburn – Conservationist.  Wildlife and Connecticut’s Changing Landscape.  This presentation provides a brief natural history of Connecticut, addresses the current state of wildlife in the state, including a discussion of major species, factors affecting their habitats, challenges we face in managing them, and provides suggestions for what people can do to make a difference.  Paul Colburn is a graduate of Master Wildlife Conservationist Program (MWCP) and is a certified Master Wildlife Conservationist (MWC). Paul graduated from Wesleyan University.
Nov. 20   Trish Manfredi  – Members Holiday Workshop.

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